ICE is Here (on the street, in court, in a car)

What should I do?

  • If you are in Criminal Court for a court date, ask to speak to your criminal defense attorney before ICE takes you away.  Tell ICE if you have not yet appeared for your case so the judge does not issue a warrant for your arrest.

  • Do not answer any questions about your criminal or immigration history.

  • Don’t run or resist arrest.  Don’t lie or show false or foreign documents.

  • If you don't see your criminal defense attorney before ICE arrests you, let your criminal defense attorney know you have been detained by ICE as soon as you get the chance. ICE doesn't notify your criminal defense attorney or the judge that is hearing your criminal case that you have been arrested.

Your rights: You have the right to remain silent and not answer questions about your criminal or immigration history.  You do not have to sign anything. You have the right to speak to a lawyer.