Someone’s Been Detained

Document what ICE agents did during their arrest

It is important to record details of the arrest and tell your loved one’s lawyer. You should document the arrest in whatever way feels safe, whether it’s taking a picture, taking a video, or writing down the details of what happened afterwards. It may make a difference in the immigration case.

Below is a list of details to record about the raid:

  • How ICE agents presented themselves, including how many officers there were, whether they were armed, how they were dressed and whether they identified themselves as ICE

  • What ICE agents said/did to make an arrest, especially if they lied, intimidated anyone, or if they used verbal/physical force

  • Who was present during the arrest, especially if there were children

  • Whether the agents searched anyone’s belongings

  • How the agents reacted if anyone said they denied consent to enter or search

  • How the agents reacted if anyone said they were exercising their right to remain silent or not answer questions

  • How the agents reacted if someone brought up any concerns like the need for childcare or medical issues

  • If anyone else besides the person detained was questioned, fingerprinted, or arrested