Someone Is Knocking At My Door

What kind of lies does ICE tell to get people to let them inside?

ICE agents often act as if they are police conducting an investigation. This includes dressing similar to how local police dress, including wearing vests or jackets that say “POLICE”. ICE does this to trick people into letting the agents inside the home, or to help them gather information about someone they are looking for. 

  • ICE uses these tricks, also known as ruses, because they don’t have a warrant from a judge to enter the home and are trying to get permission from the person at the door to enter the home.

Common lies, or ruses, that ICE agents have told people:

  • “We want to ask you questions about a criminal investigation”

  • “We are investigating a crime and want to see if you know the person we are looking for.”

  • “We are from the narcotics or warrant squad” 

  • “We believe Mr. X’s identity was stolen and we need your help.”

    • ICE asks the person who answers the door to help find Mr. X

  • “Is Mr. X here? We just need him to step into the hallway to talk to him.” 

REMEMBER: if people claiming to be the police come to your door saying these things, ask them to see ID, what precinct they are from, and for a warrant before talking to them or opening the door.